Baba Dogo Center

Community Profile

Baba Dogo is a slum community located in the industrial district of Nairobi - high rates of poverty and prostitution contribute to the growing HIV prevalence throughout the community. CARE for AIDS began engaging with the Baba Dogo community in September of 2018.


Center staff

Jared, HEALTH Counselor

Jared joined the CARE for AIDS team in September of 2018 as the Health Counselor in Baba Dogo. Before CARE for AIDS, Jared worked as an HIV counselor at a local clinic. His passion for serving those living with HIV and his medical expertise have made him incredibly effective at recruiting and working alongside clients in the Baba Dogo community.

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Margaret, SPIRITUAL Counselor

Margaret joined the CARE for AIDS team in January 2019 as the Spiritual Counselor for our center in Baba Dogo. She is passionate about her work and has an obvious heart for the marginalized.

center history

Year graduates Faith-Decisions Orphans prevented

2018-2019 80 20 221

2019-2020* 78 38 234

2020-2021 TBD TBD TBD

*The cohort in the 2019-2020 class was impacted by delays in the CARE for AIDS program caused by COVID-19 lockdowns and health precautions. To learn more about how we responded to the pandemic, visit this page.

Graduate Profiles

Michael, 2021 Client

Michael is 31years old and living with a disability. His left leg is amputated due to a motorbike accident. His uncle and aunt are clients in our center. One day, they came for one-on-one sessions looking stressed. They shared about Michael, who was depressed and wanted to commit suicide. We encouraged them to bring Michael to the center the next day.

When we met him, we learned that he was raised by a single mother along with his three other siblings. Michael was HIV-positive. He had also joined a criminal group in Korogocho slum. His depression had been brought about by the death of his mother and three siblings. He was lonely. 

Michael joined our program. We encouraged him to accept his condition because he was still alive. We prayed together, shared the Word of God, and kept following up with him until he became convinced that God still loved him. His hope was restored. He gave his life to Christ and chose to join our church since he never used to go to any church. 

We also convinced his aunt to help him set up a small business to keep him busy. This worked out well for him. He sells plastic items. His suicidal thoughts are history. He is looking forward to a bright future.

Francis is a 2019 graduate of the CARE for AIDS program at Baba Dogo. Before he joined the program, he was bedridden. But thanks to some simple interventions from the Baba Dogo’s Health Counselor Jared, he is able to walk again! Because of Francis’ newfound health, he has been able to start a small business. He is a tailor and makes a comfortable living from his small shop in the community.
